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discolored toes after corn removal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by unregistered, Jul 16, 2008.

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    Hi I am 14 and I have 3 corns I think on my toes, they have been there for years after a tight shoes incident 2 years ago. I am very insecure about my feet and wish I could wear sandals or heels like all my other friends. I have tried the dr scholls corn remover my corn will turn white and I normally peel off the white skin, and then it just turns into a red circle ish thing on my toes. My skin still feels hard and my toes have 3 red circles where the forms are I am not sure what to do it looks worse than what I have started with. I have searched for countless remedies. Mind you I have a medium to light skin tone. (Hispanic/Causaian) I am going to place one of the ‘corn’ aftermath another round of dr scholls and follow up with the aloe Vera, potato, black walnut hill powder, and maybe some ACV, please help.
  2. Toya

    Toya Guest

  3. Toya

    Toya Guest

    This is my left and right foot ... Sorry about the left over nail polish lol but so far my skin color is coming back ... the top two things I’ve been using were kojic acid soap to even skin tone ... I use a scrubbing glove and rub the soap on while scrubbing my toes for a bout two mins then I rub some nadinola skin discoloration fade cream and let it completely dry on my feet before putting on socks. I make sure I use corn cushions to prevent the surface from rubbing against my shoes. I’ll repost again in a month to show results
  4. Toya

    Toya Guest

  5. Hi! I’ve had the same problem as all of you. Bought the corn removal things for 4 little corns on my toes, noticed the burn, thought it was working, kept using it, etc. It’s been over 7 years now and about 3 years ago I found this thread and gave the potato aloe concoction a try. It worked only for two of my toes (worked-ish, there’s still a corn but it’s no longer the white patch which is just the worst). Been using it on and off ever since in the remainder 2 toes but always have the same result. It starts darkening the skin and I start getting excited but after a week or so, a bump starts to grow and then I have the white corn again . I should say, I’m a Latin woman, skin not too dark but not white. I also have a lot of self esteem issues because of this, I have not worn sandals in forever and always avoid going to pools. Also tried the Castor oil for a few weeks but didn’t see any change. I am currently applying frankincense essential oil three times a day to see if it makes a difference because I read its a good skin repair oil. I’ve tried before melaleuca and didn’t make a difference.
    Decided to comment on the thread because I want to say to all of you that I too am affected and I too want justice. Using Dr. Scholl’s corn removal patches was THE WORST decision in my life.
  6. Update

    Update Guest

  7. Update

    Update Guest

    Hi any update ?

  8. J90210

    J90210 Guest

    I’ve tried the aloe Vera and potato mixture on my discolored toes (thanks to dr. Scholls) and I can honestly say it works! I tried this remedy last year which did not work at all and I realized now that it’s because the discolored area was still rough like there was no corn, but it was still rougher than surrounding skin. What I did this time was soak my feet in warm water and epsom salt then I used the nippers to get rid of the rough skin on the discolored area so that it’s smooth like the surrounding skin maybe even more smoother. I then put Shea butter on discolored area then the blended aloe Vera juice and potato on a piece of cotton wrapped with paper tape. I’d do this 1-2 times a day. I started to see very good results on the 4th day. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing because I’ve had this discoloration for many years now.
    Jayjay likes this.
  9. guest2

    guest2 Guest

    Did you use aloe vera juice or gel?
  10. Permanent

    Permanent Guest

    Have the results been Permanent???
  11. no more corn

    no more corn Guest

    I got that area of my foot tattooed to match my skin so that I would never have to worry about it. I heard makeup works too. But tattooing has changed my life.
  12. Tattooing is an interesting option that I'm willing to consider. What is your complexion?
  13. Mannie

    Mannie Guest

    Who did the tattoo for you.. can you give me more info? I was considering this
  14. Riss

    Riss Guest

    I'm back! Checking in to provide an update! So last i checked in, i was saying that id try the potato and castor oil ideas, etc... I didnt stick to the potato concoction cuz im lazy lol. What i end up doing was buying something like a pumice stone and using the less brittle portion to lightly and SOFTly file down the "rough" skin of the corn that continued to grow back after using the Dr Scholls. We have to remember that our body produces protective skin to protect what is healthiest underneath. That said, I didn't wanna throw off the balance of my foot so I didnt pumice every day as sometimes that skin was still soft. Anyway, I started massaging my toes with a castor oil after each shower when the skin was likely it's softest. I used my best judgement on when to pumice-file the skin and followed it by a castor oil massage. This IS WORKING for me! One corn is barely visible and the other is following suit which is great. Do note this takes healing time and consistency with that oil and pumice...its not a quick fix at all but after so many years of feeling there was no hope, im glad to put the work in. Wish you ladies luck and hope this helps someone!
  15. dearmarty

    dearmarty New Member

    Can anyone advise if the potato remedy is permanent and if not, how often they have to keep up with it?

    Thank you kindly ladies! :)
  16. Jaz

    Jaz Guest

    This worked in less than a week! Thank you!
  17. Yaz

    Yaz Guest

    Hi guys,

    I’ve been reading a lot of messages suggesting the potato and aloe Vera juice. I hope this works for me. Unfortunately what happened to me was that I used a strong corn plaster/salycilic acid ( even though I. Ever had a bad corn) which removed the superficial layer of the skin and it left a huge red spot/ Circle on my toe. Im brow skin so it also left discolouration around the toe and darkened the skin around it, I hate it now and I’m Very self conscious so please if anyone can recommend a solution I would be forever great full!

    I’m down to listen to anything! Thanks
  18. Jayjay

    Jayjay Guest

  19. Jayjay

    Jayjay New Member

  20. Jayjay

    Jayjay New Member

    I had discoloration on my toe due to removal of a corn. I tried the potato and aloe concoction and it worked. I saw a difference after the the first try. Its been three days and my med dark complexion is almost completely restored. I tried the potato and aloe out of frustration and just hopeful but it actually worked and worked very quickly. I applied triple antibiotic ointment to moisturize the skin then applied the potato aloe vera mixture to a small cotton ball and wrapped it with a bandage twice a day. I kept extra potato aloe mixture in the refrigerator until the time of the next application. I hope this helps!!!

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