Welcome to the Foot Health Forum community where you can ask about foot problems and get help, as well as be up-to-date with the latest foot health information. Only registered members can ask a question, but you do not need to register to respond and give help. Please become part of the community (here) and check out the shop.
We charge USD$420 per 100 000 impressions for the larger banner down the right side of the page and USD$320 for the smaller banner for the 100 000 impressions. Typically that will last around 3-4 months.
This means that your advert is seen 100 000 times. The advert will go into rotation with the other adverts in the inventory (refresh the page or check other pages and you will see how the advertisements in the various slots change).
We can geotarget your advertisement to only show to visitors from specific countries, so you do not waste paying for advertisement seen by those in countries who will not buy your product or service.
Purchase the larger advert.
Purchase the smaller advert.
After purchase all we need is the graphic for the advertisement and the link to which the advertisement should point.
For the larger graphic, the size is 300x250 and for the smaller graphic it is 120x240
If you do not have a graphic readily available, we recommend $20 Banners.
If you have any questions or want further information, then please contact us.