1. Welcome to the Foot Health Forum community where you can ask about foot problems and get help, as well as be up-to-date with the latest foot health information. Only registered members can ask a question, but you do not need to register to respond and give help. Please become part of the community (here) and check out the shop.

Hi Everbody!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by cindya777, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. cindya777

    cindya777 New Member

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    Hi everyone!

    I recently joined the forum because I've been suffering from excruciating pain in my left heel for the past few weeks. I am worried I may have bone spurs and may need surgery and the fear has kept me from going to see a doctor even though I'm in so much pain.

    Anyway, I'm here to learn and get some support.

    Limping on,

  2. Terri74

    Terri74 New Member

    Hi Cindy - Welcome to the community!

    I recently joined the forum and just want to let you know you will get through this. When I was diagnosed with PF I felt doomed. I've been a runner for many, many years so I am used to dealing with aches and pains but plantar fasciitis was something else. I thought my running days were over at first. But by following some of the DRs advice and completely overhauling my exercise and running routine (adding the right stretches) and getting the proper sneakers, my PF is no longer keeping me from running -- in fact, I plan on racing again very soon! Looking forward to my first 10k in almost as many years!

    Look forward to learning from everyone and helping where I can!
  3. utfifa2016

    utfifa2016 New Member

    Hello and welcome.
  4. dichthuatmid

    dichthuatmid Guest

    Hi all. My name is Kyjo from Cong ty dich thuat in Tokyo. Nice to make friend

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