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Best professional domicillary drill

Discussion in 'Foot Care and Foot Health News' started by Teesey, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. Teesey

    Teesey New Member

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    Hi all
    Please could someone advise the best professional domicillary drill that lasts longer than 5 months!!!

  2. KatieP

    KatieP New Member

    Always go for one that has a nail dust extracting facility, to protect your lungs. Also you'll need one with plenty of torque if you are dealing with onychauxic/gryphotic nails.

    Hadwe produce some good models.
  3. Teesey

    Teesey New Member

    Thanks Katie for the advice but I am operating as a Dom at present and I can’t find a small enough drill to hike about along with all other stuff. Most Dons have recommended the saeyang k38 as the best Dom drill and use with very good face masks? Just not sure a dust extraction one is suitable for Dom work but fine for clinics
  4. KatieP

    KatieP New Member

    You don't want a small drill, you want a drill that will do the job.

    You owe it to yourself and your patient to use the most effective and safest drill.

    There isn't one mask that will stop all nail dust particles from a non-vacuum drill.

    I don't know what country you are in but in UK Gordon Burrows did a study on the dangers of nail dust for Chiropodists. I can't post the link but here's the info to look it up..

    World at work: Evidence based risk management of nail dust in chiropodists and podiatrists. Article · November 2006 with 272 Reads. DOI: 10.1136/oem.2006.027565 · Source: PubMed. Cite this publication.

    I can quite easily get all my equipment in a lap-top bag and carry the drill in a grip.
  5. Teesey

    Teesey New Member

    I understand that Katie but doesn’t the k38 do the job? I know thru training it is recommended that we should all be aiming for dust extraction eventually but as a newly set up one maybe n business. Funds are tight and I alreadty carry a small laptop bag with all instruments etc in and a large bag with my stool. The hadewe foot stool. Debris tray and drill etc so a dust extraction drill which is expensive and not small wouldnt be an option at present but I will read the study as not seen this one
  6. KatieP

    KatieP New Member

    I would not recommend the k38.

    It is too small, no torque to speak of and can't cope with gryphotic nails. As you said yourself it keeps burning out every 5 months.

    You owe it to yourself and your patients to use the best quality equipment you can get for both efficiency and safety. Don't forget your patients will be inhaling the nail dust as well.

    Where did you train BTW? Did they not explain the set-up costs to you before you trained?
  7. Teesey

    Teesey New Member

    I trained at stonebridge bude and all costa were explained! But also we were told that duatvextracrion the best but start out with what u can afford. But ai have to agree woth all you have said and I have read the study and makes perfect sense ill look at hadewe etc and see what I can afford thanks for all your input you have been a real help
  8. KatieP

    KatieP New Member

    This, IMO, is very bad advice. It's also totally unprofessional to suggest that practitioners skimp on essential equipment. There are serious Health & Safety implications if working without dust extraction.

    "Contaminants in human nail dust: an occupational hazard in podiatry?
    Paul D Tinley,[​IMG]#1 Karen Eddy,#1 and Peter Collier1"

    ^^^ Another article - I can't post the link to this, but you can google it yourself.

    Would a newly qualified dentist, plumber or carpenter, for example "start out with what he/she could afford"? I think not. They would buy the best equipment that they could, even if it meant postponing opening up a practice to save up.

    Just wait until you get some gryphotic nails that have 2 years growth on them and are onychomycotic and your k38 starts to stall and overheat - not to mention throwing bits of infected nail debris into your face and the atmosphere.

    "Buy cheap, buy twice" is sooooo true and you've already experienced that.

    You would be far better to dispense with the footstool/leg rest and carry the dust-extracting nail drill instead.

    You can always find a kitchen chair/stool to rest the patient's foot on - you can't get a new set of lungs.
  9. dRochers

    dRochers New Member

    Hadewe Xantos Dom Drill will last more than 5 month

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