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11 year old boy with years of pain

Discussion in 'Podiatry Arena' started by Admin, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I have an 11 year old active boy with years of pain. He first saw me 5 years ago because his mother could get no where with PCP. She finally convinced her to get xyas which confirmed multiple stress fractures (healed). At 2-3 he used to want to be carried because of pain. We put him in orthotics as a last resort and this was a miracle for him! He had more xrays which confirmed Kohlers. Still wearing orthotics . He is now suffering from forefoot pain and Achilles pain. The forefoot pain got so bad he had to stop all activity. He had a cavus foot type which collapses upon weight bearing. Clawing of the toes. Any suggestions as to what could be causing the new symptoms. He loves playing soccer, hockey and basketball. His feet don't hurt playing hockey. I feel I keep missing something. Thanks

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  2. MikeSimouns

    MikeSimouns New Member

    Maybe you can ask for another opinion and request if you can have some test of possible related issue.


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