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13 weeks post-op not healing

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by acarlson, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. acarlson

    acarlson New Member

    I had a haglund bump removed and a tear in the achilles repaired 13 weeks ago. I was NWB for 6 wks then in cam boot with PWB as tolerated. I did very little the pain was bad. I then started water PT for 3 weeks the pain was getting out of control I have a high tolerance for pain so when my husband saw I could barely walk and would be in tears he knew something was wrong. I went to the Dr on 9/21 he took X-ray I now have a calcaneus stress fracture. I'm in the boot with NWB till he sees me again on 10/20. Has anyone gone through this? I'm getting so depressed I feel like I'll never heal

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