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21 year old male in constant pain when walking

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by chipButty1, May 3, 2012.

  1. chipButty1

    chipButty1 New Member

    I get terrible pain in my toes, soles, ankles, shins and back and knees i cannot run more than a few metres without my body feeling like its gonna break and im in agony i cannot stand for more than a few minutes. Im really embaressed and ever since i was a kid too scared to go to docotor over fear of embaressment and i fear this will cause people to reject me also i have not been swimming in over 5 years becuase i dont like not normal feet and also i never go barefoot anywhere, so its affecting me both in pain and mentally.

    i cant wear many shoes cos my feet are wide very flat and all my shoes show signs of bending inwards after wear.

    its got to the point where i really need help now. i also fear ever having relationships because of my feet. it really affected my confidence from since i was a kid and i never could achieve in sports because of my feet.

    i get even more distressed when i see everyone barefoot in summer, and know i can never hang by a pool or anything...


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