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All nails (Toe and finger) fell off toddler

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Thanks for posting about your experiences. My 2 and half year old twins are currently experiencing this. My sons nails and toenails are falling off. My daughter only seems to be losing a few of her toenails. They both had hand, foot & mouth in October last year. I thought that losing their nails was maybe another after effect from them being born so prematurely, (I know this sounds dumb) but after reading these posts it could be an effect from the HFM, or maybe something else. So we're off to the doctors now.

    New Zealand
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am Almost 16. I had HFMD after christmas. i was clipping my fingernails and noticed that it was peeling off from the base and i just left it alone. I believe that hand foot mouth disease is causing it. Hope this helps.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    All fingernails falling off adult - toenails next?

    this forum appears to be very helpful. My 23-yr old daughter was diagnosed surprisingly with hand, foot & mouth disease 1.5 months ago. Doctors were surprised since this is usually only found in infants and children (although I think I saw 1 other adult responding similarly in this forum). She went thru the rash, itching and pain, then the blistering and layers of skin coming off. Now her fingernails have started falling off, loosening at the base and peeling off. There is no associated pain, and there is nail growth occurring underneath. With the HFMD rash, her hands were impacted first, with about a 2-wk delay for full impact on her feet. She is concerned that the same pattern may happen, and that she will start losing her toenails in a couple weeks. With everything I'm seeing on this forum, it does really appear that nail loss can be connected with HFMD. I would like to hear from others if the nails ended up growing back, fully normal. Thanks.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have a 14 month old and before Christmas she had a mid-grade fever for 3 days and then spots on her hand feet and around her mouth....and the same feet and hands the skin was peeling off and just today her big toe nail just feel off. She is definitly going to lose the one on her other foot too. She was never really dignosed with anything but was on antibiodics for a ear infection at the time. I don't know if I feel better or worse now I hear all these other cases...
  5. cramirez

    cramirez Guest

    These posts were so helpful. My daughter had HFMD in December and has now started losing her toe nails. Intially, I thought it was a fungus, but anti fungus medications are not helping. Is there anything we can use to help stop the peeling and the nails falling off? I have not taken her to the doctor yet, but I plan to soon if another falls off.
  6. cajungirl

    cajungirl Guest

    My 6 years old is experiencing the same symptoms, not long after she had hand,foot, mouth disease, this appeared after the rash which was on her hands and feet
  7. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi everyone. Did any of your kiddos have a flat red rash on the insides and top of their feet and inner thighs that would come and go fir days along with the fever and mouth pain? Did anyones rash appear and dialssapear and reappear again or was it constant?? Thanks for any info u can provide!
  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My 20 month old has had what our doctor called foot and mouth with a red spotted rash appeared on her hands, feet, mouth and private parts and about 2 months later she is starting to lose her nails as well. My doc told me that foot and mouth virus is almost the most common virus's going aroud (second only to influenza) with most who get it, over the age of five or so, show no symtoms
  9. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My son's nails are falling off one by one and he had something that seemed similar to that Hands foot mouth disease but he was actually diagnosed with Strep (Tested positive) He had sores on his mouth, hands, and feet and when he began to heal, the skin on his feet began to peel and then now (About 1-2 months later) his nails are falling off? Could it be related?
  10. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thankyou all so much for posting. I have been totally freaking out about my twin boys. First off, why is it so hard for a Dr. to diagnose HFM? I have a ton of friends who all have self diagnosed after their peds tell them it's some weird rash...in our case they said it was because I just changed the brand of diapers I was using. Anyway, I called my Dr. to make apt today and the nurse said well maybe he is malnourished because she has never heard of HFM causing loss of nails! UGH! So I am wondering if I even should take him in? I don't want him to have to give blood and get poked if this will just go away quickly. Both twins had HFM a month and a half ago, they didn't have it bad but pealed bad. Now only one has the fingernail issue. I thought he got his fingers slammed in a drawer or something but now I see this is the norm with HFM.
  11. starlynn5

    starlynn5 Guest

    It is such a relief to hear that Im not alone in dealing with this..My 5 year old daughter contracted a very bad case of HFM about a month ago and every since then her feet are horrible..they are dry cracked and peeling..she is losing her toenails..and now one of her toes is comeplety infected and I dont know what to do..she has had all sandles taken away must wear socks at all time and we keep cream on her feet nothing is working and they are just getting worst...does it ever stop or get better please help...


    please feel free to contact or email me at starlynnz2boyz@yahoo.com
  12. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    not to long ago my 2 year old daughter big toe nail had a major coloration to it. To me it looked like a slight bruise from all the walking that we do, and she has 2 left feet so to speak. A week passes and now her toe nail come completely off. It is clearly not a bruise, it is actual dried blood that had resided underneath it from a scar that is now healin. Can you please help me understand, why would my daughters toe nail came completely off?
  13. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have a 18month old son was very healthy but at 10months old we moved and he started with a clear running nose we thought it was an allergy. Three months later with persistent clear running nose was diagnosed with a sinus infection and was given atibiotics. About another three or four months go by still clear running nose this time my son started having breathing problems he was diagnosed with pneumonia and sent home with more antibiotics. He never seemed to recover fully and had three more trips to the ER and two more cases of pnumonia and severe breathing problems. We moved thinking it was the house we were in our son had never needed even over the counter medications until becoming sick. We found a little mold in the bathroom while moving. I am convinced that's why all the breathing issues. Before moving my son appeared to have hand foot mouth third child so I was sure little bumps on hands feet and mouth. He was already on antibiotics. two months have past he's doing great at the new house but his on his left thumb and pointer finger appeared with a white area beneath nail split mid way and they lifted off. There is a new nail under. Now another month later I see the same thing on his big toe. I talked to pediatrician about it today and she said to bring him to have it Cultured. So is this from HFM or the Mold exposure or I'm thinking all the Antibiotics. Seems like a fungus or yeast growth to me. I'm going his foot in distilled vinegar to kill any bacteria yeast or fungus growth. Good luck sorry for errors
  14. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My daughter and I both contacted Hand Foot and Mouth disease, she is 18 and I am 41. Nails falling off are a symptom of this, but little is known of it, as well as the peeling of the hands and feet.
    Nothing serious has come of it and new nails are growing underneath. We are still being checked out by our Physician anyway.
  15. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My 2yr old and 4yr old both got HFMD 3weeks ago and now their fingernails are falling of from the bed of the nail. They got HFMD from my nephew and the same thing happen to him and the doctor doesn't think its from HFMD but after reading this board I know it is from it because everyone is associating HFMD with nails falling off so doctors need to go back and research it further because this looks more common than I expected.#samnbina
  16. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My son is 14 months old. 7 days after receiving immunizations (6 diff shots) he ran a low grade fever and a few days later broke out with red spots all over his hands & feet. He had a few around the mouth and some on his knees and forearm. I thought that it was related to the immunizations, as some children do experience break outs sometimes after having theirs. The rash continued to look worse and then began to kind of "dry up" for lack of a better way to say it and gave the appearance of looking like a bunch of raised white bumps all over. He didn't seem to itch from it or anything. His fingers and toes are now peeling badly (to the point that they were cracking so badly they were bleeding) and so I took him in to urgent care. Turns out they have diagnosed him with having had the HFMD. And the dr. who saw him actually told me that he could possibly lose some fingernails/toenails down the road. In looking at his toes today I noticed that they were starting to look like they were drying up somewhat. They don't have that healthy appearance that his nails used to have so I'm kind of waiting to see what happens. Just wanted to share in case someone is looking around one day & worrying as much as I was.
  17. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Re: All nails (Toe and finger) fell off toddler/RESOLVE IRON

    Hi all of the parents. My two year old son had german measels recently and gues what.... the same story happend... Temperatures at least once a month, falling nails, ear infections.... / till then never ill .... Well I got him to prescriube iron only. After 3days.... things started to look much better and now after 4weeks he seems just like before measels.... I advise you to start feeding kids with some iron and calcium.... both works miracles !!!!!
  18. lloyd zerna

    lloyd zerna New Member

    I'd like to know what happened after? My brother has the same situation.
  19. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    In my opinion, going through something similar right now where my right index finger nail is peeling off, this could be affected by Hand Foot and Mouth (where you have swollen glands, blisters which look like a rash, a fever, you are dehydrated, etc). I just got over this HFM a couple of weeks ago, and since then my fingernail has gotten discolored and is falling off. I have never had HFM before, nor have I had a fingernail fall off, let along get discolored. I'm not a doctor, but this sounds like what happened to me. Just an extra opinion to consider.
  20. Cblair

    Cblair Guest

    Both my sons (7) and (5) had hand foot mouth a month ago and afterwards their feet and hands peeled and now finger nails are falling off. It starts with a half circle split just at the nailbed and once it falls off it bleeds and hurts badly. Most ever nail has this split on it so I wish there was something to put on these nails to prevent them from falling off. Anyone know of something to help? It takes a while to grow back a nail and it is goin to be a long wait with lots of bandaides!

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