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Alternative to Interpod insoles in the UK

Discussion in 'Podiatry Arena' started by Admin, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member


    I'm done with using Algeos who seem to be monopolising and commercialising our field and are the sole importers of these insoles. I find their customer service diabolical, the account handling useless, they keep sending me the wrong thing and giving the impression i'm the problem somehow, they never tell me if they are out of stock and the invoicing bears no relation to their withdrawals from my account messing up my books. :bang: If they spent a fraction of the time they spend on marketing and trying to be the Tescos of podiatry on actually doing the thing we pay them for perhaps they would have a functioning company.

    Ranting aside if anyone can tell me another way of getting interpods or if there are an alternative insole now with built in correction that actually works i would be most grateful


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