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Best Cushion Insert To Wear With Custom Orthotics?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Arminius, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Arminius

    Arminius New Member

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    I have terrible pain standing for long periods of time, but I love music concerts, and have two music festivals coming up this summer that will have me standing for ludicrous amounts of time. I usually wear Doc Martens, but they start to hurt too much after the 3 hour mark or so, and also I don't want to destroy them at a festival because they're too nice. I've done a huge amount of research on the best shoe for standing, and gone with a pair of Drews. They better be great for standing because they are so huge they look almost like Frankenstein shoes! If this won't support my feet, I feel nothing will.

    Drews come with extra interior height, so was hoping to fit my custom orthotics in with another cushioned insert. The default insert that comes with it has high arch support, so with my orthotic it is too much. What I really need is a flat cushioned insert without arch support. However, I'm having difficulty finding such a thing. Everything I am finding in stores or online has arch supports, which are redundant with my orthotics. What is a good cushioned insert to use that doesn't supply any arch support? Or is adding another cushioning layer a false hope, and won't help as much as I am hoping it will? Thanks!
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    I not sure you can buy just cushioned insoles.
    Whoever you got your orthotics from will probably have sheets of cushioning material that they could cover the orthotics with - call and ask?

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