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Broke 2,3,4 metatarsals

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Lynnie, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. Lynnie

    Lynnie New Member

    i broke my 2,3,4 metatarsal. 2 is a clean break away from joint. The first X-ray the day of the accident only showed 2 and 3 broken. I didn't have much pain or bruising. So we decided to see how I might heal on my own. But a follow up X-ray 2 1/2 weeks later showed little improvement plus he could now see that the 4th was broken too. We then Did a CT scan and it showed That on 3 and 4 metatarsal breaks and/or fractures they are near or going into the joint. My foot doctor says he just isn't sure how 3 & 4 will heal on its own. And that I could have pain consistently. He now suggests surgery. And may need to put a plate in. Plus he says with the surgery he can better predict the recovery time where on my own he just doesn't know for certain. What are the down sides to the surgery? AND what recovery time am I looking at

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