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Can hardware move?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Ellaye, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Ellaye

    Ellaye New Member

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    I had a mid foot fusion 5 years ago and was left with screws and staples in my foot. Now I am having pain in my foot and in particular one very sore place under my foot behind the bone of the big toe joint. It hurt inside but there was also marking in the skin. My podiatrist checked it out and asked if I had any hardware as it looked like a small screw. I have since seen a doctor who inferred that hardware couldn't move like that though I am getting sent for an x-ray. My podiatrist is very experienced and the doctor is very young. What I would like to know is who is right?!
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    It can move, but not very often.
    Most of the people I have seen with "pain" from old "hardware", the pain was due to excessive movement at joints adjacent to where the hardware was inserted.

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