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Cheilectomy surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Emy75, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. Emy75

    Emy75 New Member

    Hi, Im 42, generally active up until 6 months ago (running/training) when it became too much as i have OA in both big toes, and mri showed it was severe in my right foot. My first allocated consultant surgeon who does cheilectomy decided I should actually have a fusion as there was no cartilage, bone cysts etc & referred me to a different surgeon. The 2nd said he would make a final decision in theatre but would prefer to do cheilectomy first - which he did 3 weeks ago, along with osteotomy and also shortening of the tendon. He also said no physio would be needed.
    3 weeks on I have very little movement, I'm trying to walk/limp (uncomfortably) without crutches, but too uncomfortable to wear any shoes yet, struggle with stairs and still have pain.
    Oh, I also banged my (operated) toe off the bed a couple of days ago which is worrying.
    How long realistically is recovery, and should I push for some physio? I hope someone can advise, thanks in advance.

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