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cryogenic neuroablation

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Gillian, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. Gillian

    Gillian New Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I have been living with an increasing painful Morton's Neuroma, while consulting a variety of Podiatrists over the past 6 years for relief. With the two choices of neuroma excision surgery, or Nerve Decompression by releasing the ligament above it. I would prefer a less invasive method.

    I would like to contact a Podiatrist in the pacific northwest who performs cryogenic neuroablation of morton's neuroma, as this surgery isn't offered in Vancouver Canada or anywhere else in Canada that I'm aware of.
    Would there be any recommendations for a Podiatrist preforming such a procedure in the Bellingham or Seattle area of Washington state?

    Thank you
  2. deannak

    deannak New Member

    Did you ever find a provider that performs cryosurgery? I had cryosurgery done 5 days ago in Hillsoboro, OR by the following podiatrist:

    Kim G Gauntt DPM
    200 North East 4th Avenue
    Hillsboro, OR 97124
    Phone: (503) 648-1713
    He's about 45 minutes southwest of PDX.

    Although I'm not sure if it was successful or not, to my knowledge he is the only provider in the northwest that does cryo. My foot is still very sore. Hope this helps! :)

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