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Elevated pain threshold in patients with asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy

Discussion in 'Podiatry Arena' started by Admin, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Elevated pain threshold in patients with asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy: an intra-epidermal electrical stimulation study.
    Suzuki Cv et al
    Muscle Nerve. 2016 Apr 22. doi
    The loss of epidermal nerve fibers is regarded as an early pathological change in human diabetes. We investigated epidermal Aδ nerve fiber function by examining pain threshold by means of intraepidermal electrical stimulation (IES) in early diabetic neuropathy.
    We recruited 20 asymptomatic diabetic patients. Eighteen age-matched healthy subjects served as controls. We placed the IES electrode onto the skin of the foot dorsum, and delivered weak electrical stimulation. We defined pain threshold as the minimum electrical intensity at which a subject felt a pricking sensation.
    The mean pain thresholds in the patient group were significantly higher (0.053 ? 0.036 mA; P < 0.01) than the control group (0.027 ? 0.006 mA).
    We confirmed that the pain threshold was elevated in early diabetic neuropathy. We conclude that the IES electrode is a useful tool to evaluate early diabetic polyneuropathy

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