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Extreme pain after toenail removal--normal?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Had a complete toenail removal four days ago. Did as I was supposed to and soaked in Epsom Salts and applied clean bandage. However, when I did this, after the foot was out of the water for a few minutes I had an episode of EXTREME pain in the whole toe area. My foot felt like it was on fire, radiating up my leg. I immediately took a pain pill and after about 30 minutes it helped. The general area is sore and stings, but that I expected. I am now afraid to even take the bandage off again to apply a clean on for fear another pain episode will occur. Is this normal for this type of procedure? How can I avoid it from happening again?
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I just had the same experience.... tell me it got better. I went to the podiatrist expecting a Rx for toe nail fungus and left with pain beyond compare. It has been nearly a week and I am wearing sandels in the snow!! When will I be able to tollerate anything touching my toe again!
  3. Podwoman

    Podwoman New Member

    Unregistered 1. I am curious as to why you are soaking your toe(s) in Epsom Salts, as this is not the usual post operative procedure for a total nail avulsion?

    Unregistered 2. Unless you give more detailed information about your problem I am unable to help you.
  4. Daley

    Daley Guest

    Those are the instruction I received also soak for 2-3 weeks and apply antibiotics and bandage. what is it supposed to be
  5. Bob23

    Bob23 Guest

    Told to keep bandages dry until 1st redressing. Only given enough to add coverings if wound leaks through.
    Advice leaflet needs improvement as not totally clear.

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