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Felt Arch Pads

Discussion in 'Podiatry Arena' started by Admin, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Felt Arch Pads (10 Pack)
    + Felt Arch Support (Arch Cookie)
    + Relieves Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spur Pain
    + Superior Longitudinal Arch Support
    + Medical Grade 1/4" Skived (Beveled) Adhesive Backed Felt
    + Just Place in Shoe or on Foot
    + Felt Molds to Foot Structure
    + Great for Prefab Orthotic Dispensing
    + Provides Comfortable Control
    + Economical and Lightweight
    + Fits Most Shoes
    + No Need to...

    Felt Arch Pads

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