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flat foot surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by RobertMark, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. RobertMark

    RobertMark New Member

    I am in need of major surgery for my painful flat feet. I have gotten many opinions, and I evidently need the following procedures:
    Evans osteotomy
    Calcaneal osteotomy (to move the heel)
    gastrocnemius recession (gastroc release)
    Fusion of the first TMT joint at the mid-foot
    FDL transfer

    I am in the process of choosing a foot surgeon. Has anyone here gone to any of the following doctors:
    Dr. David Thordarson at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles
    Dr. Jonathan Deland at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC
    Dr. Martin O'Malley at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC

    If you have had experience with any of these doctors, I would be very grateful if you please respond to this post. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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