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foot odor........no cure

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by drumshooter, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. ntinsley

    ntinsley New Member

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    you may have to change your diet and eat healthier and get you some yeast and bacteria cleanse pills to get rid of the bacteria within your body and also soak your feet 3 times a week in some apple cider vinegar, I had people in my family with the same problems and some I did too with fungus he got his pills from a site called
    bestfungalnailtreatment.org , hope this helps you as it did me
  2. Read me

    Read me Guest

    Swamp foot thanks for the information. But went to dermatologist and prescribed me chlorhexidine soap, clyindagel, and foot powder. So I've been prescribed for a week already and know progress. :/ next is idk yet...
    Any solutions?
  3. Smellyfeet431

    Smellyfeet431 New Member

    Its heart breaking to hear so many similar stories but at the same time, it also helps knowing that a lot of other people share this very rare phenomenon of foot odor ONLY WITH SHOES ON. I was hoping to investigate further into this problem, perhaps we all can get to the bottom of this together. I had some questions to all of you to get to the root of the issue, so if you have a few moments please reply back:

    1. Do you have foot odor ONLY WITH SHOES ON, but with shoes off you have NO ODOR?

    2. Do you have hyperhydrosis in the feet?

    3. Has anyone ever DIRECTLY commented about your shoes/feet smelling? (Not overheard conversations)

    4. Does the issue ONLY occur at workplaces and doesnt occur anywhere else?

    5. Do you have OCD/ or other forms of paranoia?

    6. Did you always have this problem, or was there a specific time when you developed it?
  4. Hello Family,

    I wanted to check in to see how everyone was doing. I’m happy to hear some of you found a cure... hurray! While others are still struggling :-( I want you all to know that you must stay hopeful and focused on finding a cure for yourself. For me, my life depended on it and for a lot of you, your life does as well. I am happy to say, that I now live a pretty normal life outside of the occasion foot order when I eat dairy or wear old shoes. What worked for me was cutting out dairy completely and I still do not eat dairy 97% of the time ;) I cut out eggs, white rice and broccoli. I pretty much paid attention to my body. I would feel slightly sick after eating dairy and it would last about 3 days and that’s how I knew my body couldn’t handle it. Around the time this first started, I craved eggs. I mean I went from not liking them at all to eating them for 2 out of 3 of my meals. I truly do believe for me it’s a deficiency... and maybe it’s the lactic deficiency (which gives us the ability to break down dairy, I believe) for other its a zinc deficiency (tried that too, didn’t work for me). When it first started I could not smell anything and as time went on I smelled a burning rubber smell and if I ate something right before that happened I cut it out of my diet... again, my life depended on. I do still have times that I have a metallic smell to me and that’s another reason I feel it’s a mineral deficiency. What I will say, is don’t give up; literally or figuratively! If I can do it and live a pretty normal life 10 years later... you can too..and if you have not researched the harm of dairy in general please do... it is harming us all whether that is the root cause of your foot order or not... it’s not good for us. I love you all and I feel your pain because I was once there but it manageable; if I can do it... so can you! Keep fighting the good fight...

    ps. I now believe I went through this and other things in my life to help others and to lead me down a more natural path which I’m still finding my way to :)

    love and light my wonderful people
  5. Rolly

    Rolly Guest

    omg to be or not be. Please read this I've been going thru this for 4 years and I've been on this website for like 3 years waiting to see if u come back and help me if thats possoble. And wanted to ask how long did it take for the smell to disappear with that no dairy diet. Because I am lactose and tolerant. Please and thank you. Glad to hear your fine and doing great. Because this is mentally ill for me. Please Respond

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