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Foot pain bottom of heel

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by jmacknc, May 4, 2017.

  1. jmacknc

    jmacknc New Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    • where does it hurt - Bottom of my left heel- towards the rear and to the left.
    • how long has it hurt for - at least 6 months
    • how bad is the pain - usually terrible in the morning- gets moderately better during the day
    • what where you doing when it started - do not recall
    • what have you done for it so far - soaked every day, used pumice everyday, used Salicylic acid
    • anything relieve it - nothing I've found
    • what have you been told about it so far - family doctor told me was a callus but that was month and half ago. He shaved down but still very painful
    • is it affecting your ability to work or play sport - unable to walk long periods of time
    • do you have any other sorts of symptoms - No
    • what country you are in - USA

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  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    Your family dr was wrong. Its a wart/verrucae
    Get to a podiatrist ir dermatologist to get it treated properly.
  3. SusanHarris

    SusanHarris New Member

    Hi There,
    My sis also had the same problem of the foot pain. We have consulted the professionals for her treatment, but she was not fully satisfied with the result. We used to give her an oil massage daily but that was also of no use. She used to complain daily about her pain until we came in contact with the Walk in tubs Arizona team. On reading an article came to know that new walk in bathtubs provides the water massage feature that helps in quick relief of any kind of pain. So we consulted the professional team and got the tub installed for her. After taking the hot water massage in the tub, she never complained about her foot pain and enjoys the water therapy daily. It has even helped her in regulating the blood flow in the body.

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