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For Sale: Podiatry/Chiropody/Foot Care Business

Discussion in 'Foot Care and Foot Health News' started by Sharon Finch, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Sharon Finch

    Sharon Finch New Member

    For sale:

    Domiciliary Chiropody/Podiatry business covering Norwich (Norfolk) and surrounding area!

    Annual Turnover £20,000
    Asking Price £10,000

    400 Patients currently being attended on a regular basis, including 3 nursing homes with 40+ patients in each. Other smaller Residential and Mencap homes also being attended regularly.

    My business would suit a newly qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist/Foot care Specialist who wants to hit the ground running or an existing business looking to expand.

    I have built my business up over 10 years working part-time Monday to Friday only.

    Accounts for previous years are available.

    New patients acquired by word of mouth, no advertising required unless wanting to further grow the business.

    Business trading name is First Foot Care Norwich

    Contact Sharon 07747 787961 or 01508 494164 for more details

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