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Haglund's Removal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by chicidichic, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. chicidichic

    chicidichic Guest

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    I had surgery to remove Haglund's Deformity from my right heel this past Tuesday. Doctor did not put me on crutches or a walker to help me get around. He put me straight into a post op shoe. Is this normal? I am having a lot of trouble getting around because of the pain from bearing weight. Thanks for your input! I have a check up Monday, and I thought about asking for something to help me get around!
  2. SMoKeR

    SMoKeR New Member

    From what I heard so far from other people who went through the surgery is that they get a cast and non-weight bearing with crutches.
    It's very odd that your doctor did not get you on all this.

    Did the surgery involve detaching and then re-attaching your Achilles tendon?
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    No detachment of Achilles. The doc said my case was strange and just involved straight up removal of the deformity with no other issues.
  4. SMoKeR

    SMoKeR New Member

    Usually when there's no detachment of the the Achilles then recovery phase is a lot shorter, I guess that's why your doc did not put you in cast.

    I'm a basketball athlete and I might go through the same procedure so I'd love to hear about your progress.
    Were you doing any sports before the surgery?
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I actually play coed league softball. I am almost 2 weeks post op and I feel pretty good. It's hard to get around very fast, but that's because the post op shoe is awkward. Don't have much pain anymore except for at night after I have probably been up on it more than I should. I am a teacher so it's hard to stay seated. I get my dressings changed once a week and will probably be in the shoe for 2 to 3 more weeks. It does get tiring if I walk around too much but overall I am pleased! My Achilles feels tight because of how I have to walk.

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