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Hello from a PT in Boston

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Michael Velsmid DPT, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Michael Velsmid DPT

    Michael Velsmid DPT New Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    My name is Mike. I am a PT in Boston who specializes in sports injuries. I have been treating all of the injuries posted on this site for 12 years. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
  2. lindalillian

    lindalillian New Member

    I have severe foot arthritis.
    I'm to get either an arizona brace or hinged AFO.
    My foot is turning out and I have lots of pain on walking at times.
    Hind foot fusion is what docs reccomend.

    I'm scared of 2-3 months NWB.

    Could brace make like managable enough to not ever have surgery????
  3. Michael Velsmid DPT

    Michael Velsmid DPT New Member

    Thanks for your question. It is a difficult one to answer as it depends on how you are able to manage with the brace and how much walking you intend to do. It would be best to see a physical therapist for a more clear answer. I'll take a stab anyway, as I have seen cases like this. If the arthritis is at the point you describe, the brace will be of some help, but you will still have the same symptoms and significant limitations with your walking. A fusion would be the best solution in terms of functional outcome. Yes, the 3 months non-weight bearing will be a burden, but the time goes by fast and it is a good investment for your future. It will eliminate much of the pain you have now and allow you to walk greater distances. I wish you the best.
  4. lindalillian

    lindalillian New Member

    Thank you for response.
    I'm putting off fusion as I'm needing to lose 60 pounds. I'm worried about the NWB strain on shoulders , arms and other leg and foot. The other foot is also full of arthritis but as of now, it is not a problem.
    So...I am getting a brace. I have been led to think I can choose between the arizona brace or a hinged AFO. I hear the arizona would be more "comfortable". Any opinions on which would help with pain most and slow down deformity (turning out)?
  5. Michael Velsmid DPT

    Michael Velsmid DPT New Member

    They are very different. Arizona will be a tight fit and difficult to put on/off. It may be uncomfortable if you have fluxuating edema. It is light weight.
    Hinged AFO will be cumbersome, but easier to put on/off. It weighs more than the Arizona. Look at them both and see what is more practical for you. You have to wear it, so imagine putting it on an taking it off 2-3 times a day.
  6. Jenna Mathews

    Jenna Mathews New Member

    Its introduction forum you cannot tell your problem here

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