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Itchy Big Toe

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 21, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I also have an itchy toe, not the big one, the 2nd toe. It itches so bad, that I rip my toenails off as low as I can, including skin, until they bleed. The itch feels like it is in my blood and bone. When it bleeds the itching stops temporarily, sometimes. But other times, I want to dig to the bone because it just wont stop. This results in sore toes afterwards, but some relief from the itching is better than none. I don't have athletes foot or fungus, but I think maybe the fact that my blood is super thick and clots quickly may have something to do with it. Is this a possibility?
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Re: Itchy Big Toe same complaint as below!! what is it

    i have the same complaint as above!!! woke up with it last night! what could it be- just that one toe!! right big toe!!
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Happy to hear I'm not alone.
    The bottom of my left big toe has had a bad itch that has come and gone and come back for the last several years.
    I've used sandpaper, an xacto, pocket knife, the corner of the computer table, rough carpet, sidewalk and the list goes on.
    I'll scratch and tear at it and will get through enough skin to where a little bump is in the center of the itch, slice or nail clipper that off causing it to bleed. Then put on a very tight bandaid covered in neosporin to help it heal for near a week. This is the only thing that seems to help me until it returns a few weeks later.
  4. IloveBVB

    IloveBVB Guest

    My toe on my left foot, on the outer side it itches like hell -.- I drag my toe around everywhere on the carpet/rug, trying to relieve the itch. My parents look at me like I'm trying to break my toe. It has been itching for a few months now, I don't know what it is and I'm getting worried. Looks like I'll have to go to a clinic :c
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I'm so glad I found thus forum!!
    I have the same problem, my right big toe and it's neighbor :-(
    I've had this problem for a few years now... I've itched it so bad that they have both blistered bad enough to prevent me from being able to walk on them. It's really embarrassing as well :-(
    I thought it was athletes foot at first but after doing a lot if research it doesn't have the same characteristics. I've been to numerous doctors and dermatologists who just say the same thing - it's eczema and prescribe me the same thing - cortisone cream or cortisteroid tablets!
    These creams and tablets are so bad for your body... There has to be a better solution!
    I relieve the itch by using a natural solution I made myself if Manuka honey, oatmeal and some spring water. Soak it for 10mins and the itch is completely gone. Even when I dint have a flare up I'll still soak it (nothing worse waking up in the muddle if the night itching your foot crazy!!)
    Also, im trying to maintain a healthy diet. Trying to eat food that contains less nickel and no tap water, more organic and or less processed foods. I find that when my immune is weak, I want to itchy!!
    Keeping your feet out if the doona keeps it cool as heat also generally brings on the itch.
    Another tip - try not to stress yourself out. I flare up when I'm feeling nervous or anxious and stressed out.
    Hope this helps someone!!
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Amazing...same here.... Surprised I'm not seeing any comments about what happens AFTER the skin comes off. With mine, it starts are an itching on the top of my left toe and the top of my left index finger. As I scratch it, an oval "blister" forms about the size of a dime. Scratching DOES relieve the itching, and feels wonderful. It keeps itching until the skin gets watery underneath, and I pull off the top layer of skin. Underneath, it's red and watery. Does not look inflamed. With the skin off, it quits itching. A few days later, a thick scap forms on top. It stays for about a week. I "play with it" and pick parts off during the week that scab is there. When the scab comes off, the skin feels somewhat thicker there. All is fine until it comes back about 6 months later. In addition to those two places, mine will also sometimes itch at the crease under the left big toe. I scrach that until a blister forms. I have not pulled the skin off there. I put Neosporin on the place as soon as I pull the skin off, and put a band aid on that.
  7. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    NOW WE'RE TALKING TURKEY. This (below) accounting is the most like what I experience. Terrible itching on top of left big toe and top of left index finger. Scratch on carpet until blister forms. Get the clear fluid out from under the blister (or pull of the skin) and the itching stops immediate.y !

  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My middle toe also itches like crazy, inside at the tip of it. Once in a while the one next to it itches too. I believe it has something to do with temperature. It's worse at night when my feet are really warm in bed. I wondered if it may have anything to do with a prediabetic symptoms. I learned a bit about it in nursing school. I know that strange itchy or numbness in toes can be related to peripheral neuropathy along the big toe. Increasing Vit B can help nerve problems...and decreasing sugar load can help with any diabetic neuropathy and can help with nerve issues. Driving me crazy and will probably make a doc appointment soon. Good luck!
  9. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Woke up in the middle of the night with outrageous itching on BOTH big toes, and also the second toe on the right foot. Scratched and scratched but it seemed like I couldn't even find the spot that was itching. Rubbed it on the blanket and squirmed for an hour, then slathered it with coconut oil and hung my feet out of the blanket and it went away! I was worried it was the start of gout, and pictured myself carrying around a big beaker of uric acid like that guy on the ad!!! But reading this thread I think that's not the problem. Thanks everyone.
  10. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have the tip of the big toe itchy, and I am absolutely gone crazy with it. Awake for hours last night. It will stop and then like crazy my leg will kick out; or if I have a shoe sock on, I have to rip it off and nothing relieves it. Interested about the nerve thing as the joint on my big toe does hurt. AND, I have spoken to a homepathic doctor about this and she suggests that it may be a build up of yeast in our systems. She said itchy spots under the skin that don't go away even after scratching, sounds like yeast, so I will be detoxing that out of my system asap. I hope it don't come back tonight. I took an antihistamine last night, hoping to calm the sensation, I eventually fell asleep.
  11. tigermagnum

    tigermagnum Guest

    toe, finger, tongue and lips

    I have this phantom itch on the tip of my right big toe, right thumb, right index finger, both lips and tongue...for 30 years with no relief. Constant. Not allergy, not fungus, not bacteria. Neurological. I heard that anti depression medication may help, any ideas?
  12. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have it too. Flares up a couple times a year when sleeping. Cooling the foot seems to do the most for me. Going to see the doc this week. My symptoms include the swelling under the skin. I am going to ask about eczema and cortisone to see if that helps.
  13. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Wow, I'm glad I found this forum! My itch is localized to my toe directly next to my big toe on my right foot. It's on the very tip right by my nail bed. It comes & goes, but when it's here, it drives me crazy! I have to say it's a worse itch than when I get hives, because I know how to get rid of those!
  14. Zemindar

    Zemindar Guest

    I read the side effects of a prescription medicine and thought the cure sounded potentially worse than the ailment so for over two decades I dealt with the insane itching and treated it unsuccessfully with over-the-counter medications and ointments. My feet always itched and never went more than two days without itching.

    About two months ago I read about raw honey being anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. I thought what the heck, it's worth a try. I rubbed the honey on my feet put my socks on and the itching was gone. I slept that way all night. The itching didn't return until three days later so I used the honey again. I haven't had itchy feet now for three weeks. My toenails are still ugly but they're looking better and the skin on my feet looks healthy again! Raw honey has done the job that medicine never did for me and better yet, there are no bad side effects!
  15. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Anyone look up chilblains?
  16. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have an itchy big toe on my right foot it is rightt in the center of my toe underneath my toenail.I have put fungus stuff on it and it didnt work.The itch keeps me up at night and it is itching right now!
  17. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thank you all for your ideas and sharing. It has all been helpful, and seriously, there were a lot of people talked out of amputation with the "phantom itch" news, so it was VERY helpful. My 14 year old daughter has no health problems or allergies and has this. Rubbing her toe on the carpet until it's hot... checking out the carpet in every building she goes into... That poor person with the cheese grater, and pumice, yikes. She described exactly what you wrote and when she saw others had tried these things she totally understood.

    I am recommending more exercise to help with the nerve problem and hydrocortisone cream or honey. It's definitely not chilblains or gout. When you are RELIEVED to feel pain and stop the itching you know it's bad-- Once you have checked out all you can as far as infections, bacterial cleansing (she's also started eating yogurt with live cultures daily) it sounds like doing some yoga or stretching and some cortisone cream is pretty reasonable treatment.
    Has anyone tried antibiotics and had success? She also said changing shampoos has helped a lot. Thank you again, all of you, for your help and ideas and suggestions. I hope y'all feel better and come back and help the rest!
  18. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My big left toe has been itching (like crazy)
    For a couple of years. I rub it on cement, carpet, whatever I can find!
    The itch is unbearable! Mine is at the tip and side of the nail.
    I have noticed times when it doesn't itch and I'm leaning
    toward gluten. Seems when I eat fresh or cut out the processed stuff
    I don't have itching
    Anyone else think this
  19. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I also have this problem. With me, it is my right big toe, on the top. It itches along the bottom of the nail, and on the top left hand side of the toe, close to where it joins the foot.

    I have had this itching on and off for a few years now. It usually lasts a few days, then goes away. I hadn't had an attack for quite a few months and was thinking it might have gone away, but a couple of days ago, it started again. I had worn a pair of shoes I hadn't worn in a while, so wonder whether that might have triggered it.

    Like many others who have posted here, the itching is worse when the foot is hot, and the itching is somewhat relieved by putting the foot in cold water. There is no sign of any lumps or blisters - the skin appears perfectly normal and only becomes red and inflamed after I've been scratching! The itching will come and go during the day; sratching doesn't really help. It will just suddenly calm down, then a while later it'll be back. When it comes back the foot usually feels hot.

    I've tried pretty much every sort of cream known to man. I am leaning towards the theory that it's some kind of nerve-related thing, mainly because there are no other outward signs that anything is wrong with the toe or the skin. It can't be anything infectious because it has just stayed in that one spot, for several years now.

    This problem has driven me mad over the years and it's good to know that there are others out there who are affected. I haven't really found anything other than cold water that helps.
  20. Bill

    Bill Guest

    Count me into this 'toe itch' group. My left toe crease has had a beastly itch for as long as I can remember. (Now nearly 40!) Actually I quite like it cause it can be scratched as hard as one likes and it feels almost orgasmic!

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