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itchy, red, and irritated toe

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by bladdder, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. bladdder

    bladdder New Member

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    Hi everyone this is my first post...

    I have a toe that itches like crazy (mostly when i go to bed). At first i thought it was athlete's foot but after using the foot spray for many weeks my itchy toe still itches...

    I've noticed it occurs only after working... (I'm an industrial/electrical mechanic) It's as though the more i wear my steel-toe boots the more my toe gets irritated and itchy... My boots are less than a year old and are of great quality (Big Bill)

    Please note that this occurs only on my left foot, more precisely my big toe...

    Attached is a photo of both my feet and the toe on my left foot is red, itchy and feels like the skin is thicker and cracks...

    I'm just wondering if anyone experienced what i have and if there's a solution... I don't want to buy new work-boots as they cost nearly 200$ CAD

    Attached Files:

  2. nanaby

    nanaby Guest

    I wonder why your code name is bladder?? because I have problems with mine and I always wondered if the same histamines that cause that flare up, has any association with my itch toe? good luck I don't think you need new shoes. Maybe a better diet it an allergy. A HISTAMINE???? maybe

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