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Jones Fracture or Mid-Shaft?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by HelpUsAll, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. HelpUsAll

    HelpUsAll New Member

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    I played bball for few hours yesterday. I was playing in my new Kobe's without breaking them in....grave mistake. My feet were sore while I was playing, but I didn't think too much of it and kept playing. After I was done, my calves and tibialis anterior were more sore than my feet so I didn't think too much about my feet. I did find it awkward that the side of my feet hurts because that rarely happens to me.

    When I woke up, I noticed that side of my right foot hurts (left one is sore at the same location, but barely). I did some research and I started to get worried that it was a Jones/Mid-Shaft Fracture. The location of the injury is between the neck of my 5th metatarsal and the bone that is sticking out on the side of my foot. I think there is little swelling, but I don't see any bruises. If I press on the mid side of my foot, it hurts...but it does not hurt to a point that will make me cringe or gasp. I pressed down on my 5th metatarsal head, and it did not hurt. I feel little pain/discomfort when I walk.

    Pictures of my feet and the location of the pain: imgur . com /a/9hwnl (Can't post links yet, elimiate the spaces)

    I can still jump and move my feet in any direction in the air without feeling any pain. If I have to play a competitive basketball game, I feel as though that I can suck it up and play. I am just hoping my foot is sore from new shoes, but injury god has never been good to me.

    Is this a Jones Fracture/Mid-Shaft Fracture?

    Hopefully, it is neither.....
    If it is one of them, I don't think it requires a surgery, but what I should do other than RICE and taking Vit. D& Calcium?

    And I need to be able to run few miles around the 7min mark in September. What would be a good cardio to do that does not put pressure on my foot other than swimming?

    Finally, any insole recommendation for long runs, basketball, and etc.? I am currently using blue Superfeet for regular use. I use orange Superfeet for basketball (didn't do that yesterday....-_-).

    Thank you. Response would be much appreciated.
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    It is unlikely to be fracture. Just see how things pan out over the next day or two.

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