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Odd Hard Blister sore?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by jcreviston, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. jcreviston

    jcreviston Guest

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    My daughter is 9 years old, a little over a month ago she had this odd little blister looking thing on her foot. Well, she didn't tell me until last week that it had GROWN and is now 3 all in a cluster.

    They are VERY HARD tender to the touch, look fluid filled but nothing inside of it moves. Inside they almost look crater like.

    I am worried about this...need to make an appointment with her doctor then a dermatologist. Just wanted to see what anyone knew prior.

    Yes I have pictures, but I cannot get a good one close up.
  2. jcreviston

    jcreviston New Member

    Here are pictures... (I registered now)

    Please forgive her lack of toe nail polish... she is upset with me about posting it. Ahh to be 9 again.

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