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Over pronation

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hi people. I have many foot problems. Here are them:
    1) plantar fasciitis ( 2yrs right foot)
    2) over pronation (9 deg)
    3) flat feet
    4) width of 4E
    Any shoes to recommend? Ive tried many shoes however the asics kayano 20 or gt 2000 really lacks support. So far the best ive tried will be gel evolution 6. Any ideas?
  2. PFguy

    PFguy New Member

    Those are running shoes. Do you mean for working, walking and daily activities because there are better options.

    Vionic Orthaheel Action Walker(designed by Podiatrists), Spira Classic Leather Walking, Brooks Addiction, Orthaheel Elisa... those are for women. For men there are other shoes for arch support.

    Those all promote better walking motion. Studies show that stretching, mixed with orthotic support helps with plantar fasciitis (over time). You probably know there's no quick solution. FYI.

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