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Strange bump on bottom of foot.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by gdelrio89, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. gdelrio89

    gdelrio89 New Member

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    Hello, approximately 2 months ago my husband discovered this little black dotted bump on his foot. At the time, we thought perhaps it was a splinter that would eventually make its way close enough to the edge for us to tweeze out. However, that didnt happen because the spot disappeared. He left it alone for the first two weeks, gradually feeling pain due to the pressure on his foot from walking.

    We checked it out and realized it had become a rough feeling bump. It was almost like a little rock wedged itself into the foot, making it appear like a bump. My aunt thought it could be a bubble, so she decided we should try to pop it. Yet nothing happened.

    This is how the bump looks :



    If you might have any idea about what this might be or is please any open ideas would be helpful. Right now its a really rough bump that just has an empty hole.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Looks exactly like my foot. Let me know if you figure it out.
  3. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member


    id love to help, but those photos are too blurry to get anything from.

    Try setting you camera to "Macro" (usually the button has a a little picture of a flower on it).

    Either way, seeking a diagnosis on the internet is not a great idea, rather you should see a dermatologist or other doctor.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have the same thing. Its near my toes though. Its small, rough, kinda like sandpaper, it has a hole in it like a popped pimple and when I scratch it, its hard. It never really itches, though.
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    That photo looks like a plantar wart

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