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The Diabetic Foot

Discussion in 'Articles' started by Admin, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    All forms of diabetes is becoming so widespread, it is almost as though we have become complacent regarding it. The incidence is increasing in most countries despite public health interventions are seeking to control the obesity crisis which is underpinning the diabetes challenge. Diabetes has a number of problems which join together to put the foot at significant risk from complications. These complications vary from a mild infection to the more serious complications like a need to amputate a leg because of a spreading infection or dead tissue. The problems associated with all forms of diabetes have an impact on a wide variety of tissues within the body.

    In terms of the foot, diabetes impacts the blood flow meaning that any damage to the foot is more likely to be serious because there is insufficient good circulation allowing healing to occur. Diabetes also damages the nerves, so that if there is some injury, either major or minor like a skin cut, then no soreness is felt, so the foot continues to be damaged making the complication a great deal more serious. The body has lots of functions to fight infection, however in diabetes the reaction to an infection is much slower compared with those not having diabetes. Diabetes can also affect the eye and although the eyes are quite a distance from the feet, enough eyesight is needed to see any problems that might have happened to the foot so it may be addressed. Even the renal disease that frequently occurs in diabetes affects wound healing after the injury has been done and the presence of disease in the kidney can affect what medication, for example antibiotics, may be used and sometimes that range can be quite restricted.

    It is for all these complications, and others not pointed out, that those with diabetes have to take special care of their feet. They have to check them regularly to make sure that there is no damage and if there is an injury they have to get medical help promptly. Above all, they must be regularly managed by a podiatrist.
  2. Cameron Liu

    Cameron Liu New Member

    One thing diabetics (or those predisposed to it) need to look into the importance of improving the microcirculation. This is different from macrocirculation in the sense that this talks about the tiniest of blood vessels in our body. There are hard to reach parts of our vital organs that can only be reached through our mircocirculation. Many health problems arise from poor microcirculation, one of which is diabetes. This makes it obvious that a disturbed microcirculation leads to numerous health disturbances and more complicated recovery, weakens the immune-system, worsens the defense of free radicals and many more.

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