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The Enko Running Shoes

Discussion in 'Articles' started by Admin, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    The new entrant into the athletic shoe marketplace is a distinctive shoe from Enko. These unique athletic shoes out of France had been first promoted in late 2014 and introduced by using a crowd financing project at Indiegogo at the beginning of 2015.

    This shoe has mechanical spring loaded sections that are incorporated into the midsole. This design provides the athletic shoe with an increase of cushioning and energy return. This is alleged to help increase comfort and efficiency. The springs are exchangeable and are calculated depending on the weight of the athlete. Calculations provided by the company claim that the gains provided by the cushioning concerning mechanical energy is between 6% and 14% based on the speed of the runner.

    It's not clear if the shoe will likely be widely adopted at this stage, however, some concerns have been mentioned about the design and how it may possibly impact the lower limb biomechanics.

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