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Toe Nail Avulsion... Nail removed, now gauze stuck to Nail pulp... Help!!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Nila, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Debbie V

    Debbie V Guest

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    Had my toe nail removed Friday afternoon. ( 2 days ago). I had it done out of town, 6 hours drive, drove home yesterday and tried to take original dressing ( Gauze) off, top layers came of after soaking, the last layer was not budging, dried blood won’t let go. I soaked it off and on all nite(3-4 hrs) changing water to keep clean. No luck, read this forum, tried everything, soaked with Edson salt, warm water... today I tried petroleum jelly after a good soak...after an hour I tried to gently tug at the gauze and my effort made it bleed. Very painful...no idea how I’m goung to get this darn gauze off, and start healing.....ridiculous that a dr would use a gauze that isn’t non stick...help! any suggestions?
  2. Thk

    Thk New Member

    How is your toe now? How did u remove the gauze?
  3. elle

    elle New Member

    Its august 2020 here,

    I had the same problem, the doctor removed my toenail. He didn't tell me that there might be a chance that the gauze would get stuck on the nail pulp. He told me remove the gauze if it gets wet. So after 24h the gauze got wet, so my innocent self went to remove the gauze. It was all good until i reached the last round of gauze. The gauze was stuck on my nail pulp and it hurt like hell.I tried to remove it but it was no luck.

    the second day after the removal i tried again just with some water, it helped, but not much. Long story short....

    The solution is EPSOM SALT. Soak the toe in warm water with the epsom salt for 20min. Then try to pluck the gauze out. I did this 6 times, and changed the water every 2times.

    It will hurt a bit, but trust me. You will be relieved
  4. Guest_123

    Guest_123 Guest

    Thanks everyone! I had my big toenail removed and I had the same problem. I was beginning the think the doc glued it on or something! After soaking it in saline water for two hours with almost no effect, I ended up using petroleum jelly (thanks to this forum) and is worked great. It still took a bit of time and I had to take some breaks due to the pain but after about 45 min I was able to get the gauze off. If that petroleum jelly didn't work the gauze was about to just become part of me lol. That was really painful. Much worse than the actual procedure.

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