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Unknown foot dryness

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Trio, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. Trio

    Trio New Member

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    For the last two years i have had really dry skin on my RIGHT foot only, the other foot is totally fine. I also have a suspected toe fungi on it.

    I went to Boots and showed them a picture of my foot, they said i need to get something for the toe fungi and the dryness is Athletes foot. They sold me a cream called Daktarin Aktiv Cream (Micronazole Nitrate). Ive been using this cream for a week, twice a day but im not seeing much imorovement. Its not ichy at all.

    (Please remove the spaces in the links after the // and after the . )

    Toe fungi:
    https:// ibb. co/h7ZVt5

    Pre athletes foot cream:
    https:// ibb. co/gDUft5

    1 week of using foot cream:
    https:// ibb. co/hGu26Q

    Does anyone know what this is? Recommend any treatment?

    Thanks, Trio.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    It does not look like 'athletes foot'; just a very dry kin.
    You probably need to get a skin scrapeing tested to confirm that.
    Just rub an emollient cream in regularly.

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