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Walking cast immediately with Jones Fracture no crutches

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I fractured my 5th metatarsal (Jones Fracture) acutely after rolling my foot while walking. I have an awful ear infection and lost my equilibrium.

    I went to an Ortho the next day who have me a walking cast and told me to return a week later for reassessment. Walking however was extremely painful with the boot in addition to the fact that I am still a little off balance due to the ear infection and medications prescribed for my ears (Avelox). I wasn't given any instruction of ice, rest, etc. I called the next day to ask if I can use crutches as the pain was intense. The on call Orthopaedic (who accessed my electronic health records) that I spoke with said absolutely not to bear any weight on it for the next few weeks and that I need to use crutches and rest.

    Now I'm completely confused. Do I walk on it? Not walk on it? I was wondering if anyone else received a CAM walker without crutches and was allowed to bear weight from day 1. If so, was it painful?
  2. SophieDaphne

    SophieDaphne New Member

    I broke my 5th metatarsal about 4 weeks ago as of tomorrow. I got crutches at the ER and went to the ortho that day -- he also gave me a boot and told me to bear weight as tolerated. I also, literally, could not walk at all without the crutches, and told him this. He just said to start bearing weight as soon as I could.

    Four weeks later, and it still hurts :\ I've been using the boot only for the last two probably; prior to that I couldn't without being in pain.

    When I went to my follow-up appointment last week, the ortho saw signs of it healing, so I guess I've been doing something right.

    Good luck :)
  3. IdahoDPM

    IdahoDPM New Member

    You know your limit. Don't push it further than you can handle. Allow pressure on it as you walk as you can bare, but don't over do it. The end goal is to get you walking again, but will never be reached if you avoid walking at all costs. Recovery is never a fun process, however is necessary for proper healing. Hope this helps.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thanks a lot for the advice. I actually ended up going to an entirely
    Different doctor, a Podiatrist who said that he puts pins in every Jones Fracture to limit healing time and due to likelihood of nonunion. I'm getting surgery tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Just wanted to give an update. It is less than four weeks from my facture day and I am walking around wearing normal shoes living my life completely normally. Getting the surgery was one of the best things that I ever did. If you are reading this and have a Jones fracture yourself I highly recommend talking to someone who is surgically repair it rather than going to the long laborious healing stage.

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