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What is wrong with my foot?? X-ray included!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by asia, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. asia

    asia New Member

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    1.jpg I've seen multiple doctors yet no one has told me what the name of this is called. Please help me identify this issue in my right foot. (It's the bone coming out near my ankle.)
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    Its called 'talar beaking'
    The most common cause is a tarsal coalition, but I can not see on in that x-ray --> you need further scans o see if you have one.
    asia likes this.
  3. asia

    asia New Member

    Thank you so much! I have other angles that I'l 2.jpg l attach! Once again, thank you!
  4. San Jose Podiatrist

    San Jose Podiatrist New Member

    Yea...looks like, sometimes ostoephytic changes can occur - bone grows into the soft tissue; if it really bothersome - painful at the site, inflammed additional more sensitive imaging would be best - need to see a podiatrist who can order.
    asia likes this.
  5. asia

    asia New Member


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