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What Type of Socks do you Wear

Discussion in 'Articles' started by thedtpkid, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. thedtpkid

    thedtpkid New Member

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    I was just curious if people wear specific types of socks to accommodate for the foot pains and ailments? I have sensitive feet with neuropathy so I purchase seamless diabetic socks for comfort and a smooth interior. Sometimes during travelling, I wear compression socks to help with swelling.

    A few brands that I have tried already are Aetrex, EcoSox and the Extra Wide Sock Company. Please share your experiences with your favorite pair of socks.
  2. robertharris750

    robertharris750 New Member

    Yes, diabetic socks and compression socks are good for diabetic foot and other foot pain problems. Diabetic socks helps in circulation.
  3. thedtpkid

    thedtpkid New Member

    Hey Robert,

    How is it that diabetic socks help with circulation?
  4. robertharris750

    robertharris750 New Member

    A diabetic sock is a non-binding and non-elasticated sock. Diabetic socks are made to be unrestrictive of circulation. Many diabetic compression socks provide much support, even moisture control and bacteria prevention for further protection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetic_sock
    Byare1 likes this.
  5. bonecollector

    bonecollector New Member

    I'm a fan of compression socks that I can get over the counter. Helps keep the blood flowing in my legs while I'm running.
    Byare1 likes this.
  6. JaniceButler2102

    JaniceButler2102 New Member

    Does it really good for foot? How long do you use it?
    Byare1 likes this.
  7. WMU81

    WMU81 New Member

    Under Armour athletic socks.. Black
    Byare1 likes this.
  8. LFS92

    LFS92 New Member

    I just wear wide cotton socks, I rely on the footwear for my issues! But comfy socks are always a bonus for sure! :D

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