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Big toe not moving upwards

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Daniela, Apr 16, 2022.

  1. Daniela

    Daniela New Member

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    Hello, I had a fall a year ago and I noticed I cannot move the big toe anymore. I am a female 32 years old. Because I was pregnant at that time I was unable to have studies done at the time I noticed the big toe not moving upwards. I had an MRI which showed nondisplaced fracture plantar base first proximal phalanx, nonspecific plantar muscle atrophy, and flexion changes first IP joint. Dr gave me a boot to wear for a week but no improvement. I did physiotherapy with no improvement. I went for lower legs EMG which showed peripheral neuropathy. I seem to have a red line across the big toe. I've been to numerous medical appointments and nothing seems to help my big toe is still not moving upwards, however, it never lost the ability to move downwards. My tendons are intact. Does anyone have any idea how could I get my big toe moving upwards or other diagnostic test suggestions?

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  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    The only option I can see at this stage is more aggressive physical therapy. Try someone different to who you have previously seen.
    Daniela likes this.
  3. poddoc

    poddoc Guest

    Are you talking about limitation of active motion (using your muscles to move the joint) or any motion (the toe does not move upward beyond a certain point no matter how you try to move it. ) Hallux rigidus (Hallux = big toe. Rigidus = doesn't move) is a fairly common condition that happens after trauma to the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (big toe joint). Scar tissue on the bottom of the joint can prevent sliding, or sometimes bone spurs at the top of the joint can prevent movement. With the bone spurs you can see enlargement of the bone just behind the toe. To try and figure out what is causing the limitation of motion take you need someone who is familiar with the anatomy on MRI and familiar with clinically examining joints. Most radiologists don't actually touch feet. Not all podiatrists are familiar with MRI pictures.

    If it bothers you when you walk, get a rocker tip shoe.
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  4. Daniela

    Daniela New Member

    Hello Mr. Poddoc, I live in South Florida I am extremely frustrated because I know there is bone damage after the fall. They keep blaming on nerve damage. If there would be nerve damage I don't think I would have been able to move my toe downwards. I am going to see another podiatrist. Can I have surgery to help it move? Why would it be red across the toe? I bought some things to help me. None of them were suggested by the podiatrist or neurology doc. After the EMG I am suspect of CMT disease, which I probably have had since birth. This problem with the left big toe I have had since I fell while pregnant Its not even related. Make sense of what you say with hallux rigidus. I noticed I couldn't move upwards two months after I fell. Maybe scar tissue is there? Thank you for your input. To answer your question it won't move at all the rest of the toes do but the big toe won't, however it moves downward strong the affected left big toe.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
  5. Daniela

    Daniela New Member

    Thank you. I am going to try someone else! Hopefully I will get more answers
  6. poddoc

    poddoc Guest

    Lack of motion you can adapt to. Pain is a lot harder to adapt to. You might not like how it looks after a surgery to attempt to increase motion and you might not get as much motion as you think you need. You might be back to trying to adapt to the lack of range of motion after the surgery. If you haven't all ready found this out, high heels will hurt as they will be trying to bend your toe that does not bend. Shoes with a rocker tip can help you walk better and put less stress on the toe. Hoka One One makes a healing sandal that has a rocker tip.

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