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Oct 15, 1992 (Age: 32)

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New Member, Male, 32, from UK

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Jul 2, 2024
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    Oct 15, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Hello! My name is Sergiu


    I joined here mainly to experience the community, and learn more about caring for our feet. I am often experiencing pain in my own feet, especially my soles. Sometimes the pain is sharp and very intense, other times it builds gradually until my soles hurt badly. I have overuse pain and some form of joint function weakness (I can't remember the exact medical terms, I got different ones every doctor's visit, which was confusing but the conclusion was overuse pain). It started way back when I took my first job. It required me to stand on my feet all day long, 12 hours a day, and on concrete floors. I did this for a few years until I had to quit due to various pains I had developed. At the time I didn't know what I was doing, and I was wearing the wrong shoes as well. I had to visit the doctor and I was prescribed anti inflammatory medicine and painkillers. I was also very shy at first, and I kept it to myself, I though I was supposed to feel that pain. After quitting the job, the pain remains. My feet are sensible and hurt so much, which surprised me! I thought that was it, and it's true that the pain I felt then is not the pain I feel today. It changed, and a new pain appeared in my left foot. The new pain is very sharp and very intense in it's onset. It happens when I have to stand for a long time, my foot feels like the joints are coming apart and if I'm not careful how I step on it, I may get this sprain-like feeling, I hear a pop and I'm done for a few days!

    I had a very difficult month, and this is how I'm feeling today:

    Ofcourse, in time I learned how to care for my feet, their health is very important to me. I must be able to stand up and move around comfortably! My shoes have improved, I use shoe inserts and I massage my soles when I need to, and goodness... do my soles hurt... I very much enjoy foot massages, I always did, but now it's necessary! I also now know how to step on my foot in order to avoid popping a joint. I learned the hard way how important our feet actually are, and I am looking to learn more on this forum!

    Thank you for reading my story!



    Thanks for reading!