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I am a 3x cancer survivor.
Breast, Kidney and Bladder.
I have one kidney now. Have cheonic high blood pressure and is controled with Lisinipril and low fat, low sodium diet.
I have just started low pack exercising to help lose weight i gained over the last couple of years from incorrect diet and mobility issues.
i had loss my feeling in my legs after my kidney 8 hour surgery. My feet still tingle. I never dound the reason why this happened. When asking my Uro surgeon, her response was," it's not my specialty".
She never referred me to one either.
I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, degenerating joint disease, kidney disease.
I had weightloss surgery(vertical sleeve) before my kidney cancer 4 years ago.
my issue roday is that i have a small soft mass on the in step of my right foot. Is this heart related?Interact