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Bone spurs/large cyst

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Susan L, Aug 3, 2024.

  1. Susan L

    Susan L New Member

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    I have a lump on top of my foot near the base of the big toe. After having it drained 4 times by podiatrists who had no idea what it is, I found an orthopedic surgeon, specializing in feet, who had me get an MRI. Apparently the cyst is caused by two bone spurs and surgery is advised. I’m terrified and untrusting. Any thoughts?
  2. poddoc

    poddoc Guest

    What kind of fluid came out when they drained it? Ganglionic cysts, when drained will have a clear viscous fluid come out when aspirated with a needle and this will make the cyst smaller and they can refill after some time. I've had some luck using a compression wrap after draining the cyst.

    Bone spurs can cause a lump behind the big toe. A cyst will move relative to the bone, bone spurs don't move relative to the bone.

    You also have a communication problem with medical providers. I've seen both patients and doctors be at fault when this happens. When a doctor drains some fluid out of your foot they should explain what they thought it was. A podiatrist should know what a ganglionic cyst is. When you spoke with the orthopedist, did you mention that the lump had been drained and whether or not it got smaller after the drainage? Bone spurs don't cause cysts. Were x-rays taken?
  3. Susan L

    Susan L New Member

    Yes, I had x rays done. Yes, the ortho knows I’ve had the cyst drained four times. The contents were (are) thick and clear.

    Bone spurs don’t cause cysts? Really. Then I wonder what’s going on? Why can’t anyone figure out this foot?

    I have so much pain in this foot, and I feel it’s likely that some things are being overlooked.
  4. poddoc

    poddoc Guest

    Is it the cyst that hurts, or the joint under the cyst. If you tell the doctor to fix the cyst, the doctor might ignore the painful joint under the cyst. Bone spurs are a sign of degenerative arthritis of a joint. Did anyone mention hallux limitus or hallux rigidus?

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