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Cracked heels

Discussion in 'Articles' started by Admin, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Cracked heels
    Cracked heels are a very common foot problem, often referred to as heel fissures. They are caused by dry skin and made more complicated if the skin around the edge of the heel is thick. They can be painful to stand on and the skin can bleed.

    Some people tend to have a naturally dry skin that makes the skin easy to crack. The thickened dry skin (callus) around the heel that is more likely to crack is often due to mechanical factors that increase pressures in that area (eg the way you walk).

    Factors that can also be involved in the cause of cracked heel skin include:
    * prolonged standing
    * being overweight
    * open back on the shoes
    * some medical conditions predispose to a drying skin (eg diabetes)
    * skin conditions (eg psoriasis)

    Self treatment for cracked heels:
    * Applying an oil based moisturizing cream twice daily is really important to get on top of this problem. A pumice stone can be used to reduce the thickness of the hard skin. After looking at the 'tomato' analogy above it should be obvious why it is important to avoid open backed shoes or thin soled shoes.
    * Never try to reduce the hard skin your self with a razor blade or a pair of scissors. There is a risk of an infection developing and taking too much off.

    The podiatric treatment of cracked heels may involve the following:
    * investigating the cause of the problem, so this can be addressed
    * removing the hard thick skin by debriding it (often the splits will not heal if the skin is not removed). This may need to be done on a regular basis. Regular maintenance may be the best way to prevent the problem.
    * if very painful, strapping may be used to 'hold' the cracks together while they heal (a maintenance program after this to prevent recurrence is very important).
    * prescription and advice regarding the most appropriate moisturizer or emollient.
    * advice about footwear and self care of the problem.
    insoles may be used to alter the way you walk to prevent the thick skin from developing (these are indicated in cases of heel callus and are not suitable for all cases).
    * a heel cup may be used to keep the fat pad from expanding sideways. This is worn in the shoe and can be very effective at prevention if used regularly.
    * on rare occasions some Podiatrists and Dermatologists have used a tissue 'glue' to hold the edges of the skin together, so the cracks can heal.

    Reference: ePodiatry
    Podiatry Arena's threads on heel fissures
  2. Franciz

    Franciz Banned

    I want to add the following tips:

    -Apply any shortening or hydrogenated vegetable oil after washing the feet clean on dry and cracked areas of the feet. After applying a thick coat of shortening on the feet, wear a pair of thick socks. Leaving this application overnight can surely provide positive results in few days.

    -Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the dry or cracked area of the heel. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it clean.

    -Soak the feet in lemon juice for about 10minutes. Follow this therapy on a weekly basis until one finds a change.

    -A daily regime of cleaning and moisturizing is a good cure for dry or cracked heels. At the end of the day soak the feet in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes. Rinse feet and pat dry. Make a healing mixture comprising of: one teaspoon Vaseline and the juice of one lemon. Rub this mixture onto the cracked heels and other required areas of the feet till it is thoroughly absorbed. This can be done daily until visible results are obtained.

    -A regular application of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is known to soothe and cure cracked heels.

    -Another result oriented solution is to melt paraffin wax and mix it well with little mustard oil. Apply on the dry or cracked area of the heels. Rinse it off in the morning. A continuous application for 10 to15 days can achieve desirable results.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2008
  3. molliking

    molliking New Member

    Thanks for the information, In understanding how we get cracked heels, enables us to understand how the heel balm works effectively.


    Cracked heels is due to a loss of moisture from the heel of the foot. Exposure to dry conditions will cause a loss of moisture and resulting in fissures or cracks developing.


    - The Heel balm is an oil based product, this enables the balm to stay over the affected area, and the active ingredient the area rehydrates the skin, repairing the skin damage with noticeable results within 5 days.

    - Once the repair work is done, a lighter Neat Feat Foot Moisturizer can be used on a daily basis to maintain smooth heels.

    - The Foot and Heel Balm is used widely by diabetics to ensure their skin stays smooth and prevents cracking and foot deterioration. Recommended by many podiatrists world wide .
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  4. Osia

    Osia New Member

    There is one more effective mean to avoid cracked heels. Mix melted wax 50 gramm, fat butter 100 gr, add one teaspoon of glicerine, half glass of warm milk, chopped aloe leaf, and one egg Mix it properly and apply warm mixture for 15-20 min. In a week you'll forget about cracked heels.
  5. ryan77

    ryan77 New Member

    i use lemon juice directly on the soles of the feet and then apply glycerin then wear socks overnight
  6. BigPain

    BigPain New Member

    Some heel cracks are actually caused by a fungus. If you can't get rid of yours using the home remedies above, consider over the counter treatment, Lamisil. It's the same thing as for athletes foot.
  7. TOG Orthotics

    TOG Orthotics New Member

    For friction-caused cracked heels, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure and all that, I'd advise always getting properly fitted footwear.
  8. arushi

    arushi New Member

    I use Vaseline on my cracked feet. It did help.
  9. ladynm

    ladynm New Member

    I don't believe in "miracle" cures, but I managed to find one that worked for me! I was shopping at Big Lots and happened to see a small jar of Blue Goo Cracked Heel Ointment. What the heck, bought it and tried it. At first I wasn't impressed. Being that i have the ugliest, dry cracked, callused feet that I have ever seen....I have never held any hope of finding a true "cure". I was raised on a farm, went barefooted all my life, wore high heels into my thirties, had thick cracked heels that were painful and rough...like sandpaper. I had totally given up hope and took to hiding my feel if wearing summer sandals. I am 49, obese, diabetic.
    When I saw this tiny jar..i thought, well, I will give it a try. I did and at first it felt like vaseline going on my foot. I have read posts that said the ointment was hard. Nope, this has the consistency of vaseline. It is made from EMU oil and bees wax. I tried it, letting my feet rest while the ointment worked. I started to soak my feet in Epsom salt twice a week and scraped off all the dead skin halfway through, while following up with drying my feet after the soak and applying plenty of the Blue Goo. Finally after three weeks of this treatment, guess what? My feet look like they never had problems. I can only see a partial part of one of the calluses, also disappearing. My feet are smooth now and look stunningly beautiful!!!!! I had purchased two small jars directly from their site and after 1 1/2 this is the improvement. Wow!

    You can purchase it on Amazon. The jars have a picture of a foot on them. If the jar arrives and the ointment is rock hard, use the microwave to heat it up for a few seconds (perhaps this happens during the winter). i never had this problem.

    Please let me know your own results. It is inexpensive and well worth the cure! I actually am so proud of my beautiful feet now!!!!
    Blue Goo Cracked Heel Foot Softener
  10. BigPain

    BigPain New Member

    Well done, ladynm!!! A great story!! I'd heard that emu ointment also helps....arthritis!! Never tried it myself.
  11. ladynm

    ladynm New Member

    :) Like you, I also heard that Emu ointment also helps arthritis. The Blue Goo that is sold for arthritis is actually "blue". I have heard positive things about it but haven't tried it for that purpose.

    The comment below, regarding "diet" is also very true. Eating healthy is a key ingredient, if not THE KEY ingredient to staying healthy. Of course, being obese isn't healthy either (which I am guilty of ;-).

    Years ago, I had discovered a product that cured almost anything and everything related to skin...and it wasn't until this post jogged my memory that I just recalled the name of it. REX Eme...what a great product for the skin~!
    (Amazon testimony...not mine)
    This is the best cream I have ever used. I have been to a dermatologist several times and have gotten very expensive creams for a dermatis on my hands that have failed to help me. My mother gave me this cream to try and it is the best thing I have ever used. As long as I use it every day, usually at bedtime, I do not have the peeling and raw skin on my hands. If I skip a few days, it starts to peel again. I think this would be good for any condition. It has a light camphor smell when you first put it on but it quickly disipates. It also seems to leave a protective coating on your skin when you wash them, they feel slick. I would highly recommend for anyone.
    I discovered this at a Walgreens many years ago and started to use it. What amazing stuff! I had a friend in Australia with Eczema that covered his body and I sent this to him. He couldn't believe it and cried when it cured it. It is affordable and I was happy to hear that it helped him so drastically.
    (A product I swore by for many years and would do so again...) Best of luck to everyone and I hope these do help. Thank you for permitting me to post of your superb forum!
  12. B Emory

    B Emory New Member

    All of these suggestions are very interesting. The holistic approach is often the best. I have changed my diet and switched in healthy, organic food and it does help. From my experience contributing factors are health, diet, weight and often the shoes we wear. My partner gets cracks and a lot of dead skin build up as he is in work boots all day long. The suggestion to use lemon juice is correct in a way as the natural fruit acids can assist with the dead skin. I tried an at-home AHA foot peel that made the dead skin all peel off so I actually do not have any cracks any more. I ordered the peel from Pure Pedi and wore the socks with the AHA solution for and hour after a week all the dead skin started to peel off-that was 2 months ago and my feet are still smooth.
  13. gracei

    gracei New Member

    I just know it right now..

    *prolonged standing
    * open back on the shoes

    are my big mistakes.. Thanks for this info. It may right my mistakes.
  14. robroy

    robroy New Member

    I had problems with severely cracked heels until I began to use a solution of tea tree oil. After applying it for a few days, it will dissolve the callouses that the cracks form in and you will have very nice skin on your feet.

    Light use of a pumice stone will help remove the dried up skin.

    Tea tree oil also dissolves the cuticles around your toe nails so you'll have nicer looking toenails too.
  15. hoppity

    hoppity New Member

    Teatree Oil 100% is the most effective way to avoid infection.. Use a Pumice or Emery board to the heel when clean and dry. After a bath.

    TT is perfect for any infections whether fungal bacterial or viral. I advocate its use ..but read the label and keep away from children as its potent and poisonus if ingested.

    Teatree Oil Can be used in many ways a few drops will do the trick. All this Merchant stuff advertised is just an unnecessary expence. Vasaline will not get rid of cracked areas and is only a quick fix to soften the area.

    good luck!;)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  16. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Tea tree oil is useless. Look at the outcomes of clinical trials.
    Tea tree oil is potentially dangerous. The European Community have come close to banning it due to the allergic reactions that have occurred.
  17. hoppity

    hoppity New Member

    I disagree with your comments..Are YOU Medical?

    I have used it myself have researched it as a Nurse in the UK. ANY CLINICAL TRIALS I HAVE STUDIED HAS ONLY BEEN SEEN as a positive outcome.

    Providing it is used appropriately. I have used it in Woundcare and it is excellent..

    ... Whilst I understand people have REACTIONS it is only in the minority like any other product..

    It is not useless and I have used it on manY occasions. For many DIFFERENT things...
  18. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Care to produce those references of clinical trials that show it works?

    Its sill useless and no self-respecting health professional who follows the evidence is still using it. Its is no better than a placebo and you are scamming your clients if you claim otherwise.
  19. hoppity

    hoppity New Member

    I still disagree with your comments as I MYSELF have continued to use it and advocate .. if it works dont knock it..

    I have only ever had positive results from it..

    I speak for myself clinical trials were back in 2000 so what is the most recent you speak of is probably still in the minority in regard to reactions like anything else on balance.

    People have the right to an informed choice.

    Like any product instructions should be adhered to..

    I am a RN professional of more than 33yrs experience in woundcare.

    And products come and go!
    But Teatree is an asset to any First Aid Box in my experience it is no scam.
  20. hoppity

    hoppity New Member


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