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Foot Foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Celinda Eads, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Celinda Eads

    Celinda Eads New Member

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    I recently started working out everyday doing the treadmill. I noticed i was starting to get foot pain. I have a lil smaller then a golf ball size lump that on the inside bottom of my right foot, next to my heel.... arch area. It is painful when walking. Tender when i massage it, hard in texture.... can yippy explain what it is or what happened. I stop running but just do fast Walking to not irritate it to much. Thank you
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    No idea based on info provided. Can you post a photo and give more detail
  3. Celinda Eads

    Celinda Eads New Member

    You can't see anything, just when you feel it is a hard lump under the surface of the skin. It is the inside bottom of my left foot. Nearer to the heel, in the arch. Tender to the touch, feels good when stretch, hurts to walk.
  4. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    Sorry, in that case, without seeing it, impossible to give any advice

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