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How gouty will be diagnosed ?

Discussion in 'Foot Health Forum Notices' started by suzan07, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. suzan07

    suzan07 New Member

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    I am Suzan.
    From last 6months I am suffering from gouty at my left toe.It's so hurting and it has tremendous pain early in the mornings.That pain attacks up to my knee.I am using some medicines also but there is no pain relief.
    Kindly anybody give me suggestions,how it will be How gouty will be diagnosed.
  2. robertharris750

    robertharris750 New Member

    Gout is a disorder that results from the build-up of uric acid in the tissues or a joint-most often the joint of the big toe.
    Since without seeing the problem i cannot tell you what you can do. But you can contact foot specialist / podiatrist and based on the problem he will give you treatments. If you have not tried Ibuprofen medicine then you can take it for pain relief.
  3. KatieP

    KatieP New Member

    In UK gout is treated by GPs (doctors) not Podiatrists, although deflective padding or chairside appliances may help in some cases.

    Diagnosis is via a blood test.

    GPs may prescribe NSAIDs, Allopurinol, Colchicine, or steroids to alleviate the condition.

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