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ingrown toe nails

Discussion in 'Foot Care and Foot Health News' started by Dreamjewl, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Dreamjewl

    Dreamjewl New Member

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    I have an ingrown toe nail on both omy feet which causes a lot of pain. i have been cutting them back but i hear thats bad ? any suggestions im always yelling at my kids when they jump on my feet. It hurtsss!
    Thanks Ladies :D
  2. MikeSimouns

    MikeSimouns New Member

    Look for Podiatrist because they are the expert of foot problem.
  3. Donellas Feet

    Donellas Feet New Member

    You need to have surgery for this. Well, I say "surgery" but really all it is is a little local anaesthetic and then they cut away the bits which have grown into the skin.
  4. fanbrits johnson

    fanbrits johnson New Member

  5. kelvin ray

    kelvin ray New Member

    Agreed!! Better you go for Podiatrist. They will definitely help you.
  6. minhhieuk99999

    minhhieuk99999 New Member

    Cảm ơn thông tin hữu ích từ bạn mình có thêm thông tin về vấn đề này
  7. San Jose Podiatrist

    San Jose Podiatrist New Member

    Many patients try home remedies for painful ingrown toenails - like tooth floss, nail cutters, saws etc, they typically fail because the tissue is already inflamed, and / or infected which makes the area VERY sensitive. You need proper anesthesia, a good technique - most times only the ingrown part needs to be removed. Always check out online reviews of any podiatrist first, make sure you comfortable wwith the foot surgeon BEFORE surgery!

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