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Morton's Neuroma questions

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by DonH, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. DonH

    DonH New Member

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    I joined this forum because at search brought up a thread on Morton's that seemed interesting but now it is gone from my browser history and I get no results here, thus the new thread.

    I recently developed a neuroma in my right foot. It is intermittent - sometimes I have no pain and at others quite a bit of pain. When it flares up it feels like a stone in my shoe. A podiatrist recommended topical NSAIDs to start and orthotics if that didn't help. The NSAIDs help a bit but the pain does come back. I prefer to avoid orthotics thus my query here.

    I have noticed that the neuroma only affects me when I wear shoes. If I walk around barefoot I have no pain. That makes me reluctant to try orthotics. I am trying out a pair of Xero shoes with less cushion and a wider toe box. The flat heel feels uncomfortable, so I added a 1/4" heel lift. That feels better but the neuroma has not disappeared completely.

    The thread I skimmed mentioned something about toe spacers or bands around the middle toe helping to alleviate the nerve pressure causing the pain. Do any of you have experience with that? Any thoughts on why I get no pain barefoot and implications for footwear?
  2. poddoc

    poddoc Guest

    A neuroma is a swelling around the nerve. This swelling usually occurs between two bones (metatarsals). When you squeeze the foot from side to side the neuroma is compressed between two bones. Orthotics can take up more room in the shoe and the bones can be compressed more. Orhtotics can also stop the twist that occurs in walking and that twist may be what causes the neuroma.

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