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pain on side of foot??

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Doglover34, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Doglover34

    Doglover34 New Member

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    About 3 weeks ago I was visiting my family out of state, and at some point rolled my foot/ankle. I roll my ankles quite a bit (probably at least 12 times a week) I have very weak ankles, just genetics. But after there wasn't a great amount of pain, no swelling or bruising as far as I'm aware. I didn't pay much mind to it, but after it happened I've been getting a lot of pain on the left side of my left foot, right on the edge, kind of where a the bone sticks out. But it's not a constant pain or anything. It will ache a tiny bit occasionally, but I get really sharp pains on that side of my foot when I'm doing certain things, running, walking the balance beam, and stepping on uneven ground, or if it moves somewhat abnormally. The sharp pain lasts a few seconds and takes a minute or two to completely wear off. It's not really tender, maybe just a tiny bit. It also pops when I walk sometimes. Does anyone know what could be wrong with it, should I call a doctor? I'm going on vacation in 3 days, and we have some hikes planned! What are the possibilities of what it could be and what treatment it could required, how long could it take to heal? Please help!!:(
  2. Cassidy

    Cassidy Member

    The only way to know for sure would be to see a doctor and possibly get x-rays. Better to be safe than sorry, especially with a vacation coming up. Good luck, hope it's nothing and just needs a bit of rest.

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