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Small mass on in step of right foot

Discussion in 'Foot Care and Foot Health News' started by Sharon Fuchs, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. Sharon Fuchs

    Sharon Fuchs New Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    My name is Sharon. Im new to this site.
    My boyfriend was rubbing my feet and discovered a golf ball size, soft mass on the outer arch of the right side of my left foot of the arch.
    it's soft to the touch and doesnt hurt.
    Any thoughts of what this may be?
    I have a family history of heart disease in my family.
    i suffer fron chronic high blood pressure that is controled with Lisinipril and low sodium diet.
    I am a kidney cancer survivor. Two years ago my left kidney was removed.
    Just need to know if this mass is a warning sign of heart disease or something else.
    Thank you, Sharon
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  2. dRochers

    dRochers New Member

    Hi Sharon,
    A bump on the bottom of the foot may be caused by:
    1. Uneven weight distribution
    2. Limited movement of the big toe joint
    3. Plantar fibromas
    4. Dyshidrotic eczema
    5. Plantar warts
    6. Bursitis
    7. Cysts
    8. Synovial sarcoma
    9. Haglund's deformity
    So see a doctor to know what is the cause so that you can get proper treatment

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