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Swollen foot from basketball. Can't walk, please help! (pictures)

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by aJay27, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. aJay27

    aJay27 New Member

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    I sprained my ankle while I was playing basketball after landing on my left foot improperly. Actually, I sprained my ankle many times but this one is the worst ever. I jumped for a block shot and there was a contact between me and the offensive player so I was off balance and I when landed my foot completely twisted because I was wearing a high top shoes which was tied to the end you know and I felt like it was broken, I mean the pain was TOO painful that I was screaming like a bitch and the pain didn't stop ( rate of 10/10 for a few hours ).

    I went immediately to a hospital for sure. They made x-ray and it wasn't broken. The doctor said it's just swollen and apply RICE on it plus taking 600mg Prufen 3 times a day and don't put any weights on it for a week at least. So, they gave me a supported boat and crutches.

    For the first two days I couldn't even stand or flex my ankle. Now I can barely stand and I can barely move my toes. However, the problem is that there are some dark purple colors spread on my foot and it's getting more spread everyday. It's been 5 days so far and I'm really worried. Please tell me what should I do to fix it or something I can take to let it recover faster.

    P.S. : Pictures are attached.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    I think you probably should get to physical therapy to get a proper rehab plan going ASAP. Sounds like you have some possible more severe ligament damage than the original doctor thought. The physical therapy will help prevent more long term problems.

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