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The new Metarun Running Shoe from Asics

Discussion in 'Articles' started by Admin, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Asics is one of the most well-known and widely used running shoes available. Like every running shoe brand they will continue to innovate to maintain that market leading standing. Asics have already got a wide range of running shoes with various models to try and meet the needs of a wide range of athletes. Each of those versions is often modified. Asics recently launched a brand new model to the range, the Metarun. Not much was at first known about the running shoe, simply a teaser video clip on the Asics website and a countdown clock ticking down to a launch on November 12 2015. Once the clock reached zero a tweet was dispatched by the company to a video which unveiled more details and the web page was updated with more on the running shoe. They're certainly proclaiming that this is their best ever running shoe.

    The shoe is the opposite of the recent tendencies of a lot less gadgets and features in athletic shoes, adding several designs which have patents attached to them. The midsole, called FlyteFoam, is their lightest and most sturdy midsole material. Asics talk about 'organic fibers' for the best amount of cushioning. The shoe gets its stability from the patented AdaptTruss which is a carbon reinforced adaptive stability system. The 'Sloped DUOMAX' is a dual density midsole which is expected to adapt efficiently to dynamic movement of the athlete. The upper features a glove-like, one-layer Jacquard Mesh and MetaClutch exoskeleton external heel counter with a built-in memory foam. There is also a X-GEL hybrid high-tech gel in the midsole to aid shock absorption.

    Is it their finest running shoe ever? Time will tell. Runners will vote with their feet after they test the Metarun. There was a bit of hype in social media before the unveiling. These shoes will not be offered until late November and they're likely to be high priced and only available in limited release.

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