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5th metatarsal fracture - 5 weeks done on ca

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Kris29, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Kris29

    Kris29 Guest

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    Hi, Its been 5 Weeks with the cast and yesterday we had it removed; With the cast I was able to walk for the last 3 days.
    However, after being out from the cast - I am not able to put the foot on the floor as it pains the way it was on the first day.
    Doc referred the latest xray and he felt it as good healing but still a minute fracture gap towards the outer edge of the bone base needs recovery.
    He suggested me to weight bare gently as it takes and suggested me to be on crepe bandage for a week;
    But Since I could see swelling with pain, I am not sure whether it is in good Sign?. with out cast will it heal as expected ? [ Of course, I won’t put it to risk]
    Please suggest me, at this stage, if I can go on long drive/ travel without the cast, is it Ok?
    Doc is not available today/ tomorrow to take his suggestion

    Thanks in Advance
  2. MRIgirl1109

    MRIgirl1109 Guest

    I know it’s been years but what ever happened with your foot? I have the same thing right now- it’s been 10 weeks and the inner part of the fracture is healed but the outer half is not. In fact the feature gap has increased. Not a fan of surgery-please advise. Thx!

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